Solar Panels in Kentucky: 2023 Pricing & Savings

When you think of Kentucky, you might first think of famous horse races, bustling bourbon distilleries, or the twang of bluegrass music. Yet, one of Kentucky’s most underrated attractions is its abundance of sunshine.

Yes, you heard it right! With an average of 200 sunny days each year, the potential for power generation through solar panels in Kentucky is not just considerable—it’s game-changing. As the sun shines bright on our beloved commonwealth, there has never been a better time to explore how we can tap into this bountiful, ever-renewable resource.

In this article, we will be shedding light on pricing, savings, and why this green shift matters to your wallet and our shared home, Planet Earth. So, buckle up and read on. You’re about to discover how to turn sunny days into savings – the Kentucky way.

Factors Affecting Solar Panel Costs 

Let’s delve into the nuts and bolts of solar panel pricing. The sun might be free, but harnessing its energy does come with initial expenses. However, you’ll find that with the right system and approach, these costs can lead to substantial long-term savings.

The average costs of solar panels can vary depending on several factors, and it’s essential to understand them to make an informed decision.

Size of the System: Firstly, the size of the system plays a crucial role. The larger the system, the more solar panels you’ll need, which increases the initial costs. However, larger systems also generate more power, potentially leading to higher savings on your energy bill in the long run.

Type & Brand: Secondly, the type and brand of solar panels can significantly impact the cost. Premium panels come with a higher price tag, but they also typically offer better efficiency and longer warranties. Less expensive panels might have a lower initial cost, but they may not last as long or perform as efficiently.

Complexity: Next, the complexity of the installation can influence the cost. If your roof is unusually shaped or if your property has several obstructions, it could require more time and resources for installation, which could drive up the cost.

Getting a quote from a reputable solar company can help you get an accurate estimate tailored to your specific needs. It’s important to look beyond just the upfront costs and consider the long-term savings and benefits that solar panels offer.

Average Cost of Solar Panels in Kentucky by System Size 

So, how much do solar panels cost in Kentucky in 2023? Based on the most recent data from June 2023, as provided by, we can sketch a clear picture of solar panel costs in Kentucky. On average, the cost per watt stands at $3.19. Here’s a breakdown of the average costs of solar panels based on system size in Kentucky:

3kW Solar System

A 3kW solar system typically caters to lower energy requirements. With the current cost per watt of solar installation in Kentucky being $3.19, the gross cost of a 3kW system is $9,570. After the implementation of ITC, this same price declines to $7,082.

5kW Solar System

The 5kW solar system is suitable for medium-sized homes. Using the same cost per watt, the gross cost for a 5kW system comes out to be roughly $15,950. With the benefits of ITC, the same cost reduces to $11,803.

10kW Solar System

A 10kW solar system is ideal for larger homes with higher energy needs. This system would cost about $31,900 before any incentives or tax credits. Meanwhile, the inclusion of ITC would lower the cost by $23,606. 

Remember, these are gross costs. The final cost you pay could be significantly lower after factoring in federal, state, and local solar incentives. Plus, savings on your energy bill will continue to offset this initial cost, leading to eventual long-term savings.

How You Can Save on Costs of Solar Panels in Kentucky?

When it comes to installing solar panels in Kentucky, one of the first questions that may come to mind is, “How will I pay for it?” But don’t fret – there’s a silver lining to this solar cloud. A variety of financing options exist that can make your switch to solar energy affordable and convenient.  

Information on State and Federal Incentives

In addition to these financing options, there are several incentives available that can significantly reduce the cost of going solar.

Federal Investment Tax Credit: This allows you to deduct 30% of the cost of your solar system from your federal taxes. This can be a substantial saving and is available to those who purchase their solar system outright (with cash or a loan).

Net Metering: On the state level, Kentucky offers a net metering program. This allows you to earn credit for the excess electricity that your solar panels produce and send back to the grid. These credits can then be used to offset the cost of any electricity you draw from the grid when your solar panels aren’t producing enough power, like at night.

Return on Investment (ROI)

A critical aspect that often tilts the scales in favor of solar panels is the Return on Investment or ROI. In the case of solar energy, ROI signifies the time it takes to earn back the initial investment in solar panels through savings on your electricity bill.

Let’s look at some numbers to illustrate this with clarity:

  • Suppose you spend $15,000 on a solar panel system after all state and federal incentives have been applied.
  • You save an average of $100 per month on your electricity bill, which adds up to $1,200 in savings per year.
  • By this calculation, in just over 12 years, you’ll have fully recouped your initial investment.

Considering solar panels often last 25 to 30 years, you could enjoy over a decade of pure profit. But the financial returns are just half the story. The ROI, in this case, can’t be measured in dollars and cents but rather in the quality of the air we breathe and the preservation of our natural world for generations to come.


Remember, installing solar panels is more than just an expense—it’s an investment. An investment in your home, in your financial future, and in the environment. And like any good investment, while there might be initial costs, the returns over time can be substantial.

By investing in solar energy, you’re also investing in the environment by reducing your carbon footprint. To sum up, installing solar panels in Kentucky with Ohio Valley Solar can be financially rewarding and environmentally responsible. It’s not every day you find an investment and affordable solar installer that benefits both your wallet and the world around you. So, Kentucky, as the sun rises on a new day, let’s seize the opportunity to build a brighter and more sustainable future.

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