A Brighter World With

Solar Energy!

ADDRESS: Saint Anthony, IN
PH: 812.853.9334

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Ohio Valley Solar- Let’s Solarize Our Saint Anthony!

Saint Anthony, an unincorporated community in Jackson Township of Dubois County in the American state of Indiana. Located in a humid subtropical region like Indiana, the weather in Saint Anthony is mostly on the humid side. With sunlight hours of an average of 4.5 hours a day. A durable and highly efficient Solar panel system is what the people of Saint Anthony need. 

In the year of 2015, Saint Anthony endorsed a Solar Ordinance with the goal to provide guidelines for the installation of photovoltaic solar systems. This Ordinance depletes the confusion of potential issues to efficiently manage solar projects in Saint Anthony.

We at Ohio Valley Solar, are proud to be a supporter of these initiatives. Educating people on the importance of going Solar and working towards conserving the environment.

What Do We Offer?

LED Lighting Installation

Energy-efficient and cost-effective LEDs stand for Light Emitting Diode, and have a proven track record for a long time now. Around 5 years ago, LED lightings entered the market at significantly higher prices. But now the prices have become more reasonable and economical, making it a wise choice for all sectors of society. LEDs can be retrofitted without any new wirings, LED lighting installation services can be done in all types of sockets. These environmental safe LEDs save nearly 75% on electricity bills and are 30%-40% brighter than fluorescent lights. 

At Ohio Valley Solar, a world powered by renewable energy is what we envision. We emphasize solar energy because it lessens our dependency on fossil fuels.

Grid-connected and Off-grid solar generator systems

With a grid-connected system, your annual power production lowers your electric expense. A low-maintenance grid connected system sends power from solar panels to your home or company. Extra power goes into the system, providing you a credit for cloudy days. Off grid solar panels generate and store power. Solar panels charge batteries, which power your home. Off grid systems are serviced monthly to maintain battery health. The mission of Ohio Valley Solar is to build a sustainable future in Saint Anthony, Indiana. To lessen our impact on the environment, we prioritize solar panel installation at considerably low prices.

Generator Services - A Step Towards Bright Future

Solar generators convert sunlight into electricity through the use of photovoltaic (PV) panels. The electricity generated by the solar panels is stored in batteries and can be used to power homes, businesses, or remote locations that are not connected to the electrical grid. Solar generators provide a clean and renewable energy source that can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, they can provide an independent power source in areas of Saint Anthony with limited access to electricity.  At Ohio Valley Systems, we sell and install Generac generators because they are the most well-known and reliable brand in Saint Anthony.

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Go Solar And Do Your Part For The Planet

People of Saint Anthony are doing their part in solarizing their city. By reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, especially oil, and switching to solar power, we can save money in the long run and put money into the areas that lack development. We at Ohio Valley Solar are doing our part in conserving our environment and providing solar panel installation at prices you always wanted.

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Witness Our Growth

Our company's efforts help lower global energy prices and push for more energy autonomy. This calls for creative funding mechanisms and the creation of new technologies. The lives of many individuals would be greatly benefited from adopting our innovative techniques to energy management. We are playing a part in ensuring a positive experience for the environment. At Ohio Valley Solar, we pledge to recycle 95% of all building waste.

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Making An Influence

With high principles in mind, Ohio Valley Solar provides superior goods and services to our clients. We pride ourselves on using high-quality tools and providing meticulous, expert installation and upkeep services. We also place a premium on keeping abreast of developments in our field. Giving back to the community and doing the right thing are also important to us. In every situation, our customers can rely on us because of how quickly we respond and how proactive we are.

How It Works ?

Get Your Quote By Contacting Us

Every home is as unique as the people who live there. We don't trust general prices because of this. Ohio Valley Solar tries to keep prices low, so we tailor price estimates to your needs. We look forward to hearing from you. Fill out the form available on our site or call us.

We've Got Your Back

We are one of the most trustworthy companies due to our use of latest equipment and transparent approach. Whether it is the installation or the maintenance, we are pleased to assist you. Ohio Valley Solar has gained its stellar reputation due to the expertise of our solar panels specialists.

Stay Up to date

Ohio Valley Solar is committed to creating long-term connections with our clients. We regularly share solar related information on our website and aim to keep you informed of our technological advancements and energy-saving recommendations. We are here to walk you through each stage of the process so that you can make an informed decision.



Ohio Valley Service’s mission is to facilitate commercial energy efficiency improvements that result in financial savings, operational efficiencies, and reduced environmental impact. Products and services that aid commercial enterprises in controlling their energy expenditures are together known as “commercial energy services.”

Assessments of energy use, the installation of energy-saving equipment, audits of energy use, and renewable energy solutions are some of the examples that fall under this category.  



Our company, which provides residential solar panel services, provides no-cost consultations to help you choose which panels will work best for your home. Solar panels in homes can minimize pollution and save money by generating electricity for the home’s own use. We have long-lasting solar energy solutions, including solar generators, solar energy systems, and solar panels in Saint Anthony. When it comes to reliability, Ohio Valley Solar is always first. We are well-versed in giving excellent work at reasonable rates in Saint Anthony.

What People Say


Most frequent questions and answers

With a solar energy system that includes battery storage, it is possible to live off the grid, but it will cost a lot more and isn’t necessary for most homeowners in Saint Anthony. You can contact us for a free evaluation.

During a blackout, if your solar panel system is connected to the grid, it will turn off. This is so that emergency workers and people who work on the power grid won’t get hurt if your panels send power back to the grid. But you can buy some inverters that, when paired with a battery, can give you backup power if the power goes out.

The solar panel should last a minimum of at least 20 years. In fact, it will still make 80% of the power it did on the first day. The LED fixture should last between 10 and 12 years.

Yes, you can! “Pass-through charging” is a feature of almost every solar generator on the market right now. This means that almost every solar generator can be charged while equipment is running.

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